EMERGENCY CALL 24/7 (03) 9467 2255 EMERGENCY CALL 24/7 (03) 9467 2255

Since the World Health Organization declared the pandemic phase of COVID-19 over in May 2023 we have slowly returned to our pre-pandemic ways.

We currently have no COVID restrictions on visiting our clinics but continue to ask you to not attend if you are unwell or have any symptoms. If you are unwell or have symptoms, but cannot postpone your visit, please call the clinic and we will work with you to find an arrangement.

You are welcome to wear a mask when you visit our clinics if you wish and you may see our staff doing the same.

We continue to encourage the simple things, please continue to:

Practice good hand hygiene, wash and / or sanitise your hands regularly especially before and after you visit our clinics.

When you cough or sneeze, cover your nose and mouth with your elbow or a tissue. Dispose of tissues in garbage and wash or sanitise your hands afterwards.

With COVID-19 now it the endemic phase we may have reduced staff numbers on duty due to sick leave. For this reason you may notice longer wait times in the clinics and on hold during telephone calls. At times you may have difficulty contacting us by phone and the Mill Park and St Helena clinics may be closed for periods with little notice.

Rest assured that we are doing our best to provide the service we wish to provide and which you expect but ask you to continue to be patient and courteous.

To reduce frustration we suggest:

Checking for text message confirmation or calling the Mill Park or St Helena clinics on the day of your appointment to confirm.

Waiting and calling again if you initially have trouble contacting any of our clinics by phone.
Planning ahead and organizing repeat prescriptions at least several days to a week in advance.

Keep safe and follow the vaccine advice of the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care.

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